General, Missions

Mountain Mission

We recently returned from spending a week in the mountain city of La Dalia, Nicaragua. With a group of 4 from Oklahoma and some of our staff here in Nicaragua we ventured into cooler temperatures, “rustic” living and mountain hiking to take the Gospel message into 17 schools. Many of the schools we visited were out of the way, requiring us to hike up and down the mountains and drive an hour or more over dirt roads to reach them. This was something we loved though, knowing that those children rarely had people visit them.

You can do it Emma!


We teamed up with a local church who brought in many of the pastors in the area to go with us and share the love of Jesus. We spent some time on our first day there training them and the church members joining us on how to share the Gospel message with the EvangeCube (a little tool we like to use). Training others is very important to us, as we know that they are the ones who live there and they are the ones who will have the most impact in the future.

Paige practicing sharing the Gospel with the EvangeCube during the training.

As we went into the schools we shared testimonies, the Gospel, had some laughs and handed out a few gifts to the kids and teachers. We were especially proud of our kids as they boldly stood up and shared the Gospel time and time again. The pastor of the church, Benancio, addressed the church on the last day, saying in his 40 years of being a pastor he had never seen such young preachers (Emma & Paige). He even asked Emma if she would share the EvangeCube for his congregation, so that they could be encouraged to share the Gospel message as well. Emma usually doesn’t like to share in front of adults but she agreed and did an excellent job (she told me later that her legs were shaking).

The trip was full of adventure, trials and beautiful wonders of God. I could go on and on telling you about it but instead I’ll just share a video and let it tell you the story.

Click Here to see what our week was like!

The pastor also let us know that there were many, many more schools who wanted us to visit. If you or a team would like to join us to continue taking the Gospel message in this area, please let us know.


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